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ASOT OTD Program Student Handbook

The Auerbach School of Occupational Therapy (ASOT), Occupational Therapy Doctoral (OTD) Program Student Handbook is the policy and procedure resource specific to this program. This handbook aligns with the Spalding University Student Handbook and Catalog.

Reporting Concerns

In the health care environment, all health care providers and professionals are responsible for reporting to leadership and/or authorities any suspected or observed unethical or unsafe practices. Because the ASOT OTD program graduates doctorally prepared candidates for entry-level practice as occupational therapists, this program adheres to and enforces these academic and professional behavior standards during all academic and clinical learning experiences in preparation for future employment. To this end, the ASOT OTD program has a formal process that documents academic and/or professional behaviors by students that are misaligned, unsupported, or noncompliant per this Statement of Professionalism or Spalding University's Catalog or Student Handbook.

Any faculty, staff, affiliated educator or leader, or student who suspects or observes behavior unbecoming of an ASOT OTD student will report these concerns to the course’s faculty of record or the ASOT OTD Program Chair. The report will include the following details, which may be copy/pasted into a Word document or email:

  • Name of the student of concern

  • Name of the person reporting the concern

  • Name of the person who witnessed the concern, if different from the person completing the report

  • Date the report is being filed

  • Date of the occurrence, if different from the date of the report

  • Description of the issue or behavior of concern about which the OTD student is suspected or was observed doing

  • Any evidence to support the concern being reported

  • Any actions, recourse, or repercussions that occurred during or after the issue of concern.

The identity of the reporting parties will remain confidential, pending the circumstances of the report and corresponding curricular course, unless required to reveal due to regulatory or legal processes, at which time the reporting parties will be notified.

After a formal report has been filed, then the ASOT faculty member or leader who received the report will follow Spalding University due process for notifying and advising the OTD student being reported, which may include a documented Success Plan and/or a formal Notification of Concern.