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ASOT OTD Program Student Handbook

The Auerbach School of Occupational Therapy (ASOT), Occupational Therapy Doctoral (OTD) Program Student Handbook is the policy and procedure resource specific to this program. This handbook aligns with the Spalding University Student Handbook and Catalog.

Competency Standards

Prior to graduating from Spalding University and ASOT, the OTD student must meet the following competency standards:

  1. Demonstrate active involvement in occupational therapy and interprofessional development, leadership, and advocacy.

  2. Demonstrate thorough knowledge of evidence-based practice.

  3. Demonstrate the skills to critically appraise research evidence and relate it to specific practice settings and populations.

  4. Effectively and consistently consume and implement research and knowledge that supports occupational therapy practice and contributes to the growth of the profession.

  5. Demonstrate the capacity for disseminating research and knowledge.

  6. Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of service delivery models, policies, and systems related to practice in settings where occupational therapy is provided and where it is an emerging service.

  7. Relate theory to practice and demonstrate synthesis of advanced knowledge in a practice area through completion of the culminating ASOT OTD Capstone Project.

  8. Develop advanced, in-depth experience in one or more of the following areas through completion of the OTD Capstone Project: clinical practice skills, research skills, administration, leadership, program and policy development, advocacy, education, and theory development.