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EDD-902: Systems Theory and Leadership

Searching via DiscoverEagle on the Library Homepage

When you start researching on the library website, there are a few different methods you can use. The first method is to conduct a search using the DiscoverEagle search box on our library website's homepage. DiscoverEagle searches ALL of the resources the library has access to, which casts a fairly wide net. The video below will walk you through how to use the DiscoverEagle search tool. 


Searching in Library Databases

Another method of searching via the library website is searching in particular databases. The video below demonstrates how to locate our databases on the library website as well as how to choose a particular database.

Advanced Search Strategies

For more information on how to use the "Advanced Search" feature of either DiscoverEagle or a particular database, watch the video below.

For more information on where to find specific types of sources, check out the "How Do I Find" page of this guide!