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EDD-902: Systems Theory and Leadership

Required Ebook

Spalding Library has access to a variety of online resources, including academic e-books that can be accessed off campus. While not all three of your required class textbooks are available for free on our website as ebooks, Delta Theory and Psychosocial Systems, one of your required class textbooks, is available to be accessed freely on the library website as an ebook. The ebook is linked below.

Recommended Databases

The library recommends using the following databases on business, education, and sociology for this course.

Writing Center Appointments

The Spalding University Writing Center is located on the 2nd floor of the University Library in the PNC Center for Student Success.

Hours: 8 am-6 pm Monday-Friday

Consultations are usually 45 minutes. Please bring your assignment sheet and any other supporting materials. 

Our goal is to help you in the writing process; we usually focus on two or three areas of revision opportunity in your work. 

You can schedule an appointment by calling us at (502) 873-4494 or by emailing us at [email protected].

You can also submit your work for online feedback via the link below:

    Email Your Work Button