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Library Services for Alumni: Home

Library Services for Alumni

Alumni Access

Alumni of Spalding University are welcome to come to the library and use our resources. To use a computer or access our electronic resources, please ask for assistance at the First Floor Library Information Desk. Alumni will be required to show ID and asked to verify their alumni status. The best way to do this is with your previous Spalding ID or your Alumni Membership Card

Though most of our resources cannot be accessed remotely by alumni due to contract restrictions, we are able to provide access to some databases. You can find a list of resources below. 

Alumni are welcome to Ask A Librarian or Make An Appointment for assistance with library resources or research needs. 

Alumni are also able to check out books from the library. Alumni are allowed to check out a maximum of 3 items at one time. For more information on checkout length and library policies, please visit our Library Policies page. 

To book meeting spaces in the library or any other building on campus, alumni should contact the Chief of Staff

Alumni who violate the library Code of Conduct will have their prvilieges revoked at the discretion of the administration.  

Open Access Databases (Accessible Off Campus)

More Information for Alumni

Louisville residents: The Louisville Free Public Library provides many accessible resources. 

Kentucky residents may also be able to get access to the Kentucky Virtual Library through their local library. 

For more information about University resources for alumni, visit the Spalding Alumni Website.