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Academic Advising

Academic advisors serve as guides throughout your academic journey. We are here to help you understand your academic program, develop a plan to progress through your program, navigate situations that may arise, and reach your ultimate goal: graduation.

Student learning outcomes

  • Take ownership over academic success
  • Understand progress towards degree
  • Utilize technology to assist progress towards degree
  • Understand and utilize campus resources

Shared responsibility

  • Develop relationship between advisor and advisee
  • Be prepared for advising meetings (questions, paperwork, concerns, etc.)
  • Be professional and respectful when communicating with each other
  • Communicating challenges or updates that might affect student progress

Advisor responsibility

  • Maintain student privacy while adhering to FERPA guidelines
  • Make referrals for students for campus resources
  • Inform students of options and assist with making decisions
  • Explain expectations of courses/block scheduling
  • Stay current and educate students on university policies

Student responsibility

  • Attend scheduled appointments and communicate with staff in a timely manner if unable to attend
  • Be active, engaged, and present during meetings
  • Understand and follow through with next step actions
  • Use technology available to you
  • Use campus resources available to you
  • Check email regularly and respond to communication accordingly and appropriately
  • Know where to find university policies